This song is a clarion call to every soul that has not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour to accept Him. This is a call to salvation and also to let them know that Jesus Christ loves and cares for their souls. Jesus Christ is standing at the door of their hearts and knocking, if they hear His voice and open the doors of their hearts, He will come in to them and dine with them and them with Him (Revelation 3:20). The benefits of this will not end in this world but continue into eternity.
Where will you spend your eternity? With God where there is everlasting joy or with Satan in Hell Fire where there is everlasting sorrow.
Let us populate Kingdom of God and depopulate Kingdom of Satan (hell fire) #CatchSoulsIntoSalvationNet
Someone is calling
Someone is calling you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
His name is Jesus Christ
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Someone is calling you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
He’s is the lifter of heads
He wants to dwell with you
And dine with you
And lift you up
On higher ground
He wants to dwell with you
And dine with you
And take you home to eternity
Someone is calling you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
His name is Jesus Christ
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Someone is calling you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
He’s is the giver of peace
He wants to dwell with you
And dine with you
And calm every storm in your life
He wants to dwell with you
And dine with you
And take you home to eternity
Someone is calling you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
His name is Jesus Christ
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Someone is calling you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
He’s is the burden bearer
He wants to dwell with you
And dine with you
And take pressure off your life
He wants to dwell with you
And dine with you
And take you home to eternity
Someone is calling you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
His name is Jesus Christ
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Someone is calling you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
He’s soon coming King
He wants to dwell with you
And dine with you
And reconcile you to the Father
He wants to dwell with you
And dine with you
And take you home to eternity
He’s calling you *2
Answer Him right now
He’s calling you *2
Don’t wait till tomorrow
Instagram: MinisterOlayinka
Facebook: Adeogun, Olayinka
Twitter: MinisterYinka
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