DOWNLOAD Mp3: Tispet_Wise –  the ALFA album (agape love from above)

Peter datis wisdom born (8th February 2000), known by his stage name Tispet Wise is a Nigerian gospel singer,songwriter, rapper from the city of jos plateau state, Nigeria. He is well known with his unique type of music that contains different type of genre/cultural and foreign fusion. Tispet wise listeners/fans are known as the Jesus wise deciples.


  1. Agape Love
  2. True Love ft hossÂnah
  3. Halele(Yaweh Jireh)
  4. Comot Cap
  5. Gobe
  6. Pampa
  7. I’m Covered
  8. Bark For You
  9. Mr Murph Fomdagwe ft Mastered

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