It is a new season for celebration of God’s goodness, according to the Word of the LORD, now comes newness to all things.
In the beginning of creation, the Word of God came as sound and resonated over the earth towards creation and manifestation.
He did not “form” light, He spoke it into being.
Sound preceded creation, it preceded manifestation.
Genesis 1 reveals to us “and God said”. God spoke, and everything responded to the sound of His voice.
Halleluyah…., The season has come for the LORD to do new things in your life that can never be hidden… (Isaiah 43:19)
Prophesy this song into your life consistently with faith, for new things shall manifest.
Facebook: Vick Veze Sumanu
Instagram: vickveze
Twitter: vickveze
Song lyrics:
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy (riffs)
It’s my season of newness, of newness
Chant: Eh eh, eh eh eh eh eh eh, eh eh eh…./2ce.
(Somebody say ehhh)
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy heyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Vocal: The time has come for us….
It’s our season to shine His glory,
It’s a dawn for newness; our reformation,
Out of ashes, we arise in beauty….
Sub-chorus: It’s my season of newness/2x,
Everything is turning around……. for me…..,
Everything is turning around, all things are made new….
Chorus: I hear the sound of newness/3x,
It’s my season, everything’s turning around.
(My season, my season……)
Chants: (Call: Tell me what season are you?)
It’s my season, I shine….
It’s my season, I flourish….
It’s my season, and I’m breaking forth on every side…./2x, and I walk in newness…. It’s my season…..
Sub-chorus: It’s my season of newness/2x,
Everything is turning around……. for me…..,
Everything is turning around, all things are made new….
Chorus: I hear the sound of newness/3x,
It’s my season, everything’s turning around.
I hear the sound of newness/3x,
It’s my season, everything’s turning around.
Vocal: Ehhhh
Outro: It’s my season, everything’s turning around (till fades)
(Vocal: I can see things are changing for my good….
I can see doors are opening for me….
Impossibilities are becoming possible…
For the hand of the LORD is upon me…. It’s my season…..
My season, my season, it’s my season heyyyyyyyyyyyyy……
It’s my season…. It’s my season…..
It’s my hour……
This is my season……
Ahh heyyy Ah heyy Ah heyy……/2x
Every season everything is turning around for me….
It’s my season I can see everything is turning around for me
It’s my season I can see doors are opening for me….
This is Kairos/2
The hand of the LORD is upon us, it’s changing times and season)
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