BAYETIN is a Nupe word which is translated as Light. The song is inspired by the Words of God in Genesis 1 verse 3. As you listen, may the Light of God shine on every darkness in your life in Jesus name!
O Jesus, you are my Light
Okunkun parada! [Darkness, disappear!]
Bazhiko kpeyabo! [Darkness, get lost!]
I, I see see the Light
O, Jehovah show me the light
Okunkun parada! [Darkness, disappear!]
Jesus, light my candle
Lord, light my path
I, I see see the Light
Mi le u ye [I see Him]
Nimi bayetin u bo [In His brightness]
‘Ba na egia u fe nana na[Where is blood shines ever so bright]
Bayetin nana yi ‘kandondo [This light is everlasting]
Jesu bayetin yizhe [Jesus the Light of the world
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