This Song “CAPTURED” came out of a heart and soul that has tasted pure LOVE from God, the impossibility Specialist. Pondering over the pure and endless Love that God has shown to me, even when the going was tough and it seems giving up was the only option, God’s LOVE kept me strong until the going got smooth. God’s love has the ability to make you feel Okay, even when it seems all is not Okay, God’s love has the power to bring you out of pains, depression, anxiety, stress, confusion, rejection, sickness and from all the worries of life. If you are still confused and doubting God’s unending love for you, think about the hidden battles He fought for you without your notice. When ever you feel pain, stressed, depressed, confused, sick, rejected, helpless, Just Sing this Song to connect to God’s love. GOD IS LOVE PERSONIFIED.
Facebook: Anita Peace
Instagram: anitapeace.anita
Twitter: iamanitapeace
YouTube: Anita Peace
Lord before I call….
You answer.
Before I knock….
You open.
You have done everything for me…..
Your LOVE has captured me D/C
Your LOVE has captured me….2*
I am delighted Lord…..
I am overwhelmed.
I’m Justified and Sanctified in you..
Your grace has brought me thus far..
No more guilt, No more condemnation.
Your LOVE has captured me…D/C
Your LOVE has captured me…….
Oh God, I’m no longer the same
You have picked me up and
Cleaned me up
I am overwhelmed oh God..
I am overwhelmed…………
You gave up your life just for me(I am overwhelmed)
You took my shame and took my pain (I am overwhelmed)
What have you not done for me o (I am overwhelmed)
You have done everything for me…..oh oh oh oh
Your LOVE has captured me….
Thank you for your love JESUS
I’m so grateful for your endless Love
Halleluyah……… Halleluyah……..
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