Bisi is on a #PurityCrusade among worshipers.
By this follow up track to her EP released in
December 2015, Bisi passionately reinforces a
simple prayer of commitment to God that every desire in her would be channeled to Him Alone and
His standards, knowing His grace is ever
sufficient! She is calling on you to do just the
same.With lyrics flowing from scriptures, Jesus
Christ is typified like the ‘launderers soap’ for
thoroughly washing and removing stains that ruin our garment and as a ‘blazing fire’ who passes us
through the purification processes so we can come
forth like precious gold.Presented in rock groove,
her soulful song will challenge your resolve and
yet, project hope to those who may have failed and
given up, or are at the verge of falling away, or who just wants to keep the faith out of a pure
conscience.Let the redeemed of the Lord DECLARE…
Download & Enjoy!!!
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