All Around Us is a personal experience of God’s mercy upon my life am a man outside is will. I had plan my life according to my own understanding but he came over and show me mercy and redirect my steps back to him, and stirred up my music Gifts all have achieved in life can never be credited to my own efforts but by his mercy am who I am today.
“All around Us” is also a song I got from a place of worship while counting my blessings and appreciating God for all he as done for me. I never plan to record this song but through the prompt of the holy spirit I have to share this with is people all over the world. All Around Us is one of the Tracks in my anticipating Album Title Dominion which will be out soon by God’s Grace. Lamentations 3:22…. Through the lord’s mercies we are not consume because is compassion fail not. No matter what we think we have achieved in life it is by God’s mercy that as deliver unto us all good riches pertaining to life .’James 1:16. Is mercy and love with favour surround us all . Even though we don’t deserve it he still show us mercy. Glory to his Name.
Facebook; David Taiwo Hephzibah
Instagram ; iam-hephzyd
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