Onyeieyeakamo is an Igbo titled Word meaning ‘My Helper‘, carries a prophetic mantle to displace the works of darkness to take back what the devil has stolen, to take over and to over take in all ramifications of life. As we celebrate this season to dominate the New Year in the prophetic. Psalm 121 Speaks about “Help”, and help means laying hold of, complete Release, a ministration of Aid, bringing the right aid in time… Which means Antilapensis in Greek.
We might have found ourselves in a position where who we depend on, for aid failed us and it seems as if the world is over, they promised to help us but they failed simply because we so much depend on them for the aid. The psalmist says in the book of Psalms 60: 11 , give us help from trouble for vain is the help of man, simply because man fails but God never fails.
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