Dunsin Oyekan releases spirit filled music titled “At All Cost”
GOD is releasing a fiery passion in the hearts of Men all across the earth in this season.It’s time for intimacy and fellowship with the FATHER… An UPPER ROOM experience that will launch us into the greatest harvest for the kingdom. The Value of our lives is how much of HIM we carry
GOD… No other image is worthy to be called that name except the only true GOD… He is the only definition! No comparison with HIM, it all starts and ends with HIM
It started off as a dream, then it became a reality. This new song the Lord has inspired in me is voiced in Ibibio & at first I didn’t really understand what language it was until I got help from a sister.It’s so humbling how the Lord can give you a sound in another man’s language.
This song should be one of the foremost songs in your arsenal for this year!
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At All Cost (Lyrics) – Dunsin Oyekan
The Value of my Life
Is how much of you I Carry
The Impact of my Life
Is how much of you People See
The Value of my Life
Is how much of you I Carry
The Impact of my Life
Is how much of you People See
(The Value of my Life
Is how much of you I Carry
The Impact of my Life
Is how much of you People See
The Value of my Life
Is how much of you I Carry
The Impact of my Life
Is how much of you People See)
(Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh)
[Repeat Verse]
The Value of my Life
(Is how much of you I Carry)
The Impact of my Life
Is how much of you People See
The Value of my Life
Is how much of you I Carry
The Impact of my Life
Is how much of you People See
[At All Cost (Lyrics) – Dunsin Oyekan]
I want You, At All Cost
In your Fullness and Glory
I want You, At All Cost
In your Fullness and Glory
I want You, At All Cost
In your Fullness and Glory
I want You, At All Cost
In your Fullness and Glory
I Need You, At All Cost
In your Fullness and Glory
I Need You, At All Cost
In your Fullness and Glory
I Need You, At All Cost
In your Fullness and Glory
I Need You, At All Cost
In your Fullness and Glory
Jesus, I Need You
Just Enough is not Enough
{Just Enough
Won’t be Enough
Just Enough
Won’t be Enough
Just Enough
Won’t be Enough} [Repeat]
I Need You, I Need You
Fill me Up
Just Enough is not Enough
I want You
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