The Glory Album seeks to Birth an Expose’ on the Glory Of GOd ..
Who and what and why the Glory Of GOd. Apparently Everything God or Jesus did for Humanity was absolutely for his Glory and We humans happened to the Glory and the His Glory Because he did Everything For Us and Just Gifted Us with all without our “ self effort “ it’s all by his Grace which births and sustains And very Important in his Glory …
The Album has 17songs Of all Genre and all produced and mastered by A Ghanaian Usa 🇺🇸 based Artist/ producer NEKTUNEZ .
Each is Full of his Word of Grace which is able to build us up and Give is Good inheritance.
So ..TheGloryAlbum ..He did it all for The Glory and We are the Glory we know ! .. Enjoy..God has blessed us!
DOWNLOAD via Whoopinboard Or christmeal
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