Nigeria has been ranked 152nd in the 2016 report of the African Human Development
Index, HDI, released by the United Nations
Development Programme, UNDP, in Nairobi, Kenya,
last weekend
Consequently, the country retained its 2014 status
as there was no forward or backward shift from the
Nigeria’s HDI value for 2014, according to UNDP’s
2015 report, was 0.514 which put the country in
the low human development category, positioning
it at 152 of 188 countries.
But between 2005 and 2014, Nigeria’s HDI value
increased from 0.467 to 0.514, an increase of 10.1
percent or an average annual increase of about
1.07 percent.
Similarly, in the latest ranking, values and trends,
Nigeria was still placed on Low Human
Development, LHD, category outside High Human
Development, HHD, Medium Human Development,
MHD, which featured 53 countries in Africa.
On the HHD table, Mauritius was placed at the
highest 63 position, while Tunisia came last at 96
position on the Group average rating.
Botswana opened the table of MHD with 106
position, while São Tomé and Príncipe came last at
143 position.
Kenya, the host country of the Toyoko
International Conference on African Development,
TICAD, where UNDP announced the report in a
press conference, was placed at 145 position on
the list of countries ranked low, with Niger Republic
taking the last position at 188.
Sub-Saharan Africa loses $95 bn annually over
gender inequalities
Meanwhile, the UNDP has stated that sub-Saharan
Africa was losing an average of $95 billion a year
due to gender inequality.
It said the situation escalated in 2014 when the
region lost $105 billion or six percent of the
region’s GDP.
A report of the World Body, entitled: “Africa Human
Development Report 2016: Advancing Gender
Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Africa,
published on Sunday, stated that the unhealthy
development was jeopardizing the continent’s
efforts for inclusive human development and economic growth.
“If gender gaps can be closed in labour markets,
education, health, and other areas, then poverty
and hunger eradication can be accelerated.”
“Achieving gender equality and women’s
empowerment is the right thing to do, and is a
development imperative,” said UNDP Administrator
Helen Clark at the launch of the 2016 African
Human Development report attended by Kenya’s
President, Uhuru Kenyatta during the TICAD VI event.
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