I have been directed by God to relay the below words of admonishion to some Pastors, Arch bishops, Cardinals, Prophets, Apostles etc to focus on their godly given assignment. I had a very clear vision that Rapture had taken place and many titled with the listed names above missed Heaven. It was so embarrassing that many who were titled with names above had to hide so people would think they were caught up. Several men of God have derailed from their God given assignment hence the reason for some of us, beckoned to occupy such offices. Don’t misconstrued me in this regard that money is good, because we all need it to survive. But please do not let that be your focus as the vision is so vivid that many occupy the position claiming to be in His service just to make money for themselves. Heaven is real, please be careful Servant of God not to miss it. This is a strong warning to you from above!! Please bear in mind that the CORE messages are Salvation , Introducing / Revealing Jesus to this dying world, the power of His blood and winning souls for Christ so people do not perrish .. May we all make it to heaven .. # DrBadu
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