Hillary Clinton on Thursday night intimated that she wouldn’t be losing the US Presidential election
and she wouldn’t be losing her religion either.
During a speech at the oldest and largest African-
American religious organization in the U.S –
Methodist church, the Democratic nominee talked
about her relationship with God and how it’s affected her political and public service life.
I want to leave aside the politics and do
something that doesn’t always come
naturally to a Midwestern Methodist. I want
to talk about how my own faith and how it
led me to a life of service and how it will
guide me as President,” she told the enthusiastic crowd at the National Baptist
Convention in Kansas City. For me, it’s
always been about trying to live up to the
responsibility described by the Prophet
Micah, that ‘we do justice, love kindness
and walk humbly with our God,’” Clinton added.
After making the warm remarks, she then
attacked Donald Trump.
We are facing a candidate with a long
history of racial discrimination in his
businesses, Who traffics in toxic conspiracy
theories like the lie that President Obama is
not really American.
Those who look at the African-American
community and see only poverty crime and
desperation are missing so much,” she said,
referring to Trump’s recent cynical “what do you
have to lose?” statement at black voters.
STOP!!!If he cannot respect all Americans, how can
he serve all Americans, We must reject (his)
hateful, bigoted rhetoric. You deserve a
sustained commitment to expanding
opportunity, equity and justice
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