Prodigal Son: Man Who Turned Against God, Became An Atheist Found God Again After Many Years
God is wonderful, read as shared on his timeline:
I was talking to a friend yesterday and he was like
“I saw your post on Facebook and I understand people do get emotional when they are in trouble hence saying things… Hope it’s real”
Note: This is a long post but I will plead you read to the end.
I made a post where I acknowledged God and lots of reactions came up so I think I should make some clarification to what you don’t know yet.
For my gist to make sense, I’ll quickly want you to know that I was a Christian before I backslided into the world after taking the WORD-POISON and I have realized my mistakes not to you but to my God and find my step back to Him.
Things were going well through God’s blessing and I was taking all the glory such as “I made it, I just bought my car” instead of “God did it, I bought a new car”. Who I be to take God’s glory?
Then the trials begin and instead of trusting in God, I was trusting in my strength, knowledge and friends to help out. Though I tried all my efforts and friends also did their best but without the key ingredient; GOD, in the hustle, I was just running after shadows and my friends best yielded no result.
Then I was arrested for debt by Federal SARS to live with hardened criminals, the likes of Kidnappers, Armed Robbers, Ritualist, Cultists just to mention few, tortured, starved for 15 days and I have to beg for garri to survive.
This man Jerry Akinbila was my Cell Mate and the first to show me mercy by giving me garri to drink and I will eat in tears everyday. Thanks for the love in there Sir Jerry.
I was opportuned to be in a Cell where they preach and pray almost all the time and 3 days after being in the cell the Man of God in the cell preached using the Prodigal Son. I have heard the story before but in that condition, I saw myself in the story. I had everything, my Father was so kind to bless me with whatever I wanted before I deviated and decided to start doing it on my own. I took my portion and was living well until it all finish. I had the opportunity of going back to Daddy (God) when things are going down, but no I was adamant.
But I thank God, he decided to chastise me because He loves me and I found myself in that situation, I cried bitterly after God revealed those things to me as we prayed that day. Ask for His forgiveness and found the Peace I have lost for a very long time. The Cell becomes a comfort zone and revelation center for me as I grow my love for God. Then he said “No one comes to me unless my Father draws him”… Father drew me and kept me in there to stand firm before coming out.
To those saying” Did he mention God?”, I wasn’t an Atheist neither have I ever question the existence of God, the only things I do is tackle and argue the word of God which I’ve been fed with all my life by trying to disqualified its authenticity and purge it out of my heart. I was only against bible teaching then just because I wanted to run away from the truth I know.
But they say lies can live for years, but TRUTH shall always prevail.
So I am not just acknowledging God but also acknowledging Jesus as my Lord and Saviour and I am not ashamed of it.
You can be whoever you want to be; atheist, moralist, agnostics, or whatsoever. Things might be going proper for you, you might try to buy yourself happiness and feel you are enjoying life than the so called Christians.
You might even try as hard as you can to proof the Bible wrong, the thing is, the Word had been there before you were born,many people had tackled it from day one. They are gone and are never remembered as we all will die but the Word still lives and continue.
There is no risk in believing, forget the threat of Hell first, stop trying to proof its existence.
The world on its own is vanity, the happiness we find in it is vanity, your folly is vanity so is your wisdom. Your smartness will die with you so your brilliance.
What lives forever is your innermost peace of Good relationship with God.
I have decided to follow Jesus… It’s my choice and there is no turning back either in poverty or in riches. And I trust him to guide and grow my love for his Words day by day.
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