B-Fade releases the second music video from his
forthcoming album /All Things Are Possible/.
The concept for “Like Him” came from a weekly
conference/accountability call conducted by Pray
Area Records. We were diving into what it really
means to be “Christ-like.” It’s important to bring the
focus back to what it really means to be a Christian
and resist what society and the media tend to focus on. Our goal is for this song to be used as an
outreach tool to show those who have never heard
the gospel what the ultimate standard is and the
importance of not being influenced by society’s
standard (the “got to have it all” mentality). The
foundation is for those who are in need of a Savior. But we also want this song to be used as
encouragement for the “church” (aka the BODY of
Christ) to move beyond the four walls of the church
building and be Jesus to those who so desperately
need to see the love of Christ in action.
Throughout the song, we point to three different
perspectives on being “Christ-like” – boasting in the
cross, the Great Commission, which is to go out into
the world and preach the gospel, and the
conscious act of praising our Father in Heaven with
our words and deeds. We are in unity in believing these are part of the fundamentals of Christianity.
Our hopes and prayers are that unbelievers will
have an open ear and receive what is being shared,
and that it points them to the cross.
We wanted to approach this song with a “Bay area”
vibe which has a simple hook that can be used as
an “anthem;” a song which has the ability to remind
every follower of Christ what the daily goal is. As
we pray over this track’s impact inside and outside
the Church, our desire is for lives to be changed and for people to seek restoration in Christ Jesus. Our prayer is that this song will allow the
Holy Spirit to move just as He did in each one of us
as we made this track.
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