rocksKING is a singer, producer and songwriter. Driven by an inner call to do music, he started a choir in his secondary school. He has directed several choirs including the Mighty-Mass Choir, FCS, ABU Zaria, Fullness of Joy FOJ
He’s now the CEO at rocksKING Productions …a voice for kings
He has released many singles amongst which is Onye Dika Gi, a simple song that is producing many testimonies. It’s simply a gift from God. With pristine quality recording, the song is a masterpiece about God’s sufficient grace. Enjoy.
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Connect With rocksKING:
Facebook: rocksKINGprod
Twitter: @Kingsley_Oku
Instagram: @rocksKING4yahweh
Reverbnation: reverbnation.com/rocksKING
YouTube Channel: youtube.com/channel/UCJQqOJmMgJFtvJzP-3rVgow
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