Many familiar faces — including Andy
Mineo, Trip Lee, Thabiti Anyabwile, Jackie
Hill Perry, Propaganda and Thi’sl — will
minister at the 10th anniversary of Legacy
Conference this summer in Chicago.
Legacy has begun registration and revealed
artists, pastors and other guests who will
serve at the annual conference, which will
run from July 21-23. The theme of this
year’s event is Missio Dei.
“What have we been called to pour our lives
out for?” Legacy’s official website reads. “What is our mission? Furthermore, how do
we do that in increasingly challenging
environments? Missio Dei is Latin for ‘The
mission of God.’ We, the people of God, have
been called to be on the mission of God in
making disciples of all nations. Legacy Conference 2016 seeks to equip Christian
leaders in the urban context to do just that.”
Here is that list of ministers, according to legacydisciple.org, where you can register for the conference today.
Legacy 2016 Ministers
Andy Mineo
Anna Perez
Art Azurdia
BJ Thompson
Bobby Scott
Candace Obadina
Carl Ellis
Corey Buchanan
Cristina Mineo
D.A. Horton
Dr. Dan Baugh
Darryl Williamson
Decipha Dee
Wilson Derrick
Puckett Dhati
Lewis Diamone
Ukegbu Ekemini
Uwan Elbert
McGowan Elicia
Horton Eric
Redmond Eric
Rivera Erick
Correa Erikah
Rivera HB
Charles Heidi
Dye Itohon
Omolere Jackson
Jackie Hill Perry
Jarvis Williams
Jemar Tisby
Joe Thorn
Joe and Amy
Uyeda John
Onwuchekwa John
Richards Jon
Dennis Jon Skehan
Jonathan Brooks
Joseph Dicks
Joseph Solomon
Json K.A.
Ellis Kempton
Turner Kevin
Gwin Kristie
Anyabwile Lamar
Simms Melody
Fabien Miguel
Davilla Muche
Ukegbu Natalie
Lauren Odd
Thomas Philip
Holmes Preston
Perry Propaganda
Rich Perez
Roy “Soup” Campbell
Sho Baraka
Swoope Terrence
Jones Thabiti
The Ambassador
Tommy “Urban D” Kyllonen
Trip Lee
Victor Sholar
Walter Strickland
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