Lecrae told Desiring God in a video interview
which the ministry released this weekend
that Romans 8:28 is the biblical promise he
turns to the most.
Romans 8:28 reads, “And we know that for
those who love God all things work
together for good, for those who are called
according to his purpose.”
“I have to lean on the reality that even if it
doesn’t look good to me or feel good to me,
God is ultimately being glorified. And in the
end, even if it’s not until I’m in heaven, it will
work out for my benefit. Even if I don’t
realize it until heaven, it will work out for my benefit.
“I just lean on that because life is difficult.
Life is hard. It’s complicated. It’s not peachy
keen, as I think a lot of people would like to
make it seem. It takes a lot of leaning on the
hope that is in Jesus. Without that hope,
you’re just left to probably go insane; you’re at wit’s end.”
Desiring God has released numerous videos featuring Lecrae’s Reach Records label mate
Trip Lee over the past year, the latest of
which is on why Christians should talk about race.
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