Thi’sl just announced some big news on his
Twitter today for Easter Sunday – he’ll be
opening up for Rick Ross in St. Louis. Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday
St. Louis @ The Pageant
Rick Ross Live In Concert
feat. Thi’sl #StLouis #STL pic.twitter.com/H8d135qLER
He also recently released a YouTube video
for part four of his series, “Road to
Redemption,” ‘Falsely Accused of Murder’.
Thi’sl shared a story of the lowest moment
in his life. In 1999, he was thrown in prison
for the murder someone he “loved.”
Despite having an alibi and proof that he did
not commit the murder, the judge just
advised him to get a lawyer.
“I went in that jail cell… and I knew I could
be in that jail cell for the rest of my life, but at
the same time, I knew that I had done
enough stuff in my life, that I deserved to be
there forever.”
He said that getting put in that jail cell was
the turning point of his life that brought him
to Jesus. “I was being set up by the Lord to
be set free, and that situation walked me to
my road to redemption.”
Watch the entire powerful video below:
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