I have been listening to the Lord’s grace
message through the CDs and books from
Joseph Prince Ministries for three years. Since
then, my husband and I, who have been
smokers for over 20 years, have both been
set free from our smoking addiction.
Prior to that, we had tried every way known
to man to quit the addiction, but nothing
worked until I heard the message that we
have been made the righteousness of God in
Christ through Christ’s obedience unto the
I began to declare that every day while
smoking and before long, the desire to smoke
became lesser and lesser as I rested in Christ’s
finished work for me and my righteousness in
Christ alone.
I have been completely set free from smoking
for two years! After I shared this with my
husband, he was also set free by the very
same message. Hallelujah! God is so good!
Unto Christ alone be the glory forever and
ever. Amen!
The writer has requested to remain
anonymous | Oklahoma, US
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