PRAISE Report! Tunde Bolanta Shares Testimony About How God Healed A Man Of Cancer


Who Would Have Done If Not God.. Founder Of New lIfe Church,  pastor tunde bolanta shares a testimony on his Facebook time about how a man received healing. He said..

My visit this weekend is to celebrate Pastor Jeff Tarbox 35 years of ministry at New Life, Maine USA but so many were sharing their testimonies and here is one of them…
Good Morning Tunde Bolanta, ,   Last night after the service at New lIfe Church, we spoke about my healing.   I was so blessed to have you pray for me during your visits to Maine.  You gave me courage and healing to not walk and depend on my cane.  My limp is an injury to my spine and neck from a car accident. While praying for me you touched my neck.  I didn’t know it tat the time, but I had a cancerous tumor on my Esophagus.   Doctors later had it removed but test came back with cancer still.  I had no other treatment other then prayer.  When you prayed for me, you  touched my neck and I am certain that your prayers both helped heal and protect me.  I have been tested twice and show no sign of cancer despite not having any treatment other then prayer. It was during this time that I got and started reading your book “The power of the blood of Jesus”.  I remember reading in chapter one of the importance of pleading the blood of Jesus in prayer.  Sir…that stuck with me..and it continues to.  I wanted you to know how much you touched my life even  from so far away.   I have received many blessing from my family at New Life Church and you are one of them. Thank you for all you do. God Bless you and all that you do.          Helene Ahern



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