Nathaniel Bassey passes message to music minister.. He says..
STOP!!!Dear music ministers, pls let me share something
sincerely from my heart to you. And i dont say this
because i think i have arrived. not even started. but
rather, i say this because i have seen these
principles work like night and day. And here it is:
Forget about trying to promote your brand and image. putting and pushing your face everywhere.
Rather become A VOICE. when you are a voice,
people will look for your face. And would spread it
themselves. John the Baptist was a VOICE in the
wilderness. yet, people found their way to the
desert just to hear him speak. Your duty is to make sure heaven knows your voice and sound. when
that happens, men will have to trace it to your face.
Bottom line is this. Seek God. not the promotion of
self and image. The world will have no choice but to
seek you to know your God. Have a great
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